Choices and Voices Ltd
Choices and Voices Ltd

Improvement Support

All our improvement support is designed individually to meet the client’s needs, based on analysis of current performance and an agreed set of deliverables. Examples of our offer:

Benchmarking Diagnostic (thematic or service wide)

  • Review the organisation’s current performance or level of practice
    Choices and Voices will audit records and analyse data gathered from the organisation’s scorecards and performance management systems. Choices and Voices can review historic data if the organisation would like to look for trends over a period or establish an improvement/decline in performance over time.
  • Compare the organisation’s performance or practice against best practice
    We will measure current practice and performance against the required standards and compare with appropriate and relevant peers.
  • Provide evidence of good practice and recommendations for improvement
    Based on the findings Choices and Voices will provide evidence of good practice and make recommendations for improvement. In order to ensure buy-in at all levels, Choices and Voices can hold small focus groups to discuss current practice or performance, promote learning and tackle any barriers to improvement.
  • Develop an action plan to take forward the improvements
    Once the recommendations have been discussed and agreed, Choices and Voices can help formulate an action plan to support the organisation to implement the recommendations.
  • Monitor the action plan, providing independent professional challenge
    Choices and Voices can monitor progress made against the action plan, providing independent professional challenge, to ensure progress. Choices and Voices can also review performance data and re audit to evidence impact of change and improved outcomes for children and their families.

Inspection Preparation

Independent review can provide Local Authorities with a variety of benefits including:

  • Quality assurance and evidence of independent audit
  • Identifying potential compliance issues, thereby helping to prevent an adverse inspection.
  • Preparing the workforce for the inspection process
  • Helping to resolve issues following a serious incident.
  • Providing evidence of the resolution of issues following an adverse inspection.

Use of the Ofsted methodology and other inspection processes to provide detailed analysis of Local Authorities performance.

Post Inspection Support

Post inspection improvement support to address areas for development and challenge across the Children’ Social Care system. Offering clear and high impact solutions for rapid improvement to strengthen and bring critical challenge to the Local Authority improvement plan, improving outcomes for children and young people.

Policy and Procedure Development

Support in developing and reviewing robust safeguarding policies, procedures and practice guidance to ensure safe practice, safe staff, safe children and young people.

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